Safe. Memorable.
Complete Coverage.
Scalable wireless surround sound and engagement solutions

Quality in mind, Value defined
Understanding that it’s not good enough to think about creating a memorable event, SiCoustics patented audio system works independently or can integrate into all main stage(s), covering every corner of the event (100%) with the potential to serve as an emergency communication system. Let’s partner together to make sure your event doesn’t make the news for the wrong reasons.

YOUR Vision is deserving of a world-class experience. Believing that experiences are just for participants is just a piece of the plan. For SiCoustics, building a memorable experience for sponsors, staff, volunteers takes your event to the next level. Customizing down to each word through our Voice Department with professional and award-winning personalities is what we do with YOUR Vision in mind.

Complete Coverage
Whether it be our Music for Miles audio service or our Corner-to-Corner Coverage of your live areas, our proprietary system allows you to give everyone a front-row-seat to your event experience in spirit of YOUR Vision. It’s easy, just highlight on a map where you want sound and send it our direction and then schedule some time to discuss how it all works to your advantage.